The Experience: Remember that one burger place you’ve always seen and passed by without a thought? Today I paid it a visit for a quick bite and to see what it was all about. Eating here in Smashburger, situated right in the middle of Fort Bliss, I felt it only right to order their popular Fort Bliss Burger. I had happened to reach the place at 10 am, right when it opened, and a friendly worker by the name of Lupe brought me my meal with a cheerful “You’re the first burger of the day. Enjoy!”
Burger OrderedM: Fort Bliss Burger

The Taste: Packed with the usual lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, I was thrown completely off guard by the burger’s cheddar, fresh jalapeños, haystack onions, and chipotle mayo. Clearly, those four ingredients made up the bulk of the burger, as its very mild yet sharp spiciness got my attention. It was never too much to force me to chug down my fountain drink, but rather it complimented the burger as a whole. You’ll know when you taste the mayo and the jalapeños. You will taste the cheddar and haystack onions. The chipotle bun all but cemented this burger that was so delicious with its medley of flavors. I literally had to stop and take time to truly appreciate it.
The Verdict: The visit to one of our nation’s busiest forts was well worth it to be able to experience this truly amazing blend of, in Smash Burger’s own words, “Part Culinary Science, Part Magic.”
Smashburger is located at 1618 Pleasonton Road, Suite K-123 in Fort Bliss, Texas.