The Experience: My New York City burger experience has given me the wonderful gift of countless burger recommendations. Sadly, it has also provided me with a number of stories of excellent burgers that are no longer available, as New York’s burger scene changes and evolves. Big Nick’s Burger Joint, the Luncheonette, and Stand all served great burgers that are no longer available. Late last year, I told you about a Bisutoro’s tasty Wagyu & Wasabi Burger in Tribeca. It turned out that Bisutoro wasn’t long for this world, and that Japanese-inspired burger is now unavailable. Thankfully, Daruma-Ya has entered the Tribeca Burger scene with their own Japanese twist on hamburgers. Served only at lunch and only during the work week, the Daruma-Ya Burger compliments the restaurant’s soba menu (along with a few additional menu items).
Burger Ordered: Daruma-Ya Burger
The Taste: The reason to go out of your way for this burger is the teriyaki sauce in which it swims. It adds just enough unique flavor to this lunch treat to differentiate it from its nearby competition. The bun looks over-sized and foreboding, but once grasped it becomes completely manageable. Be warned, this was a multi-napkin affair that could make great use out of a Burger Lift. In the end, I might have been a little too hungry, as my burger was gone in what felt like seconds. I was glad that I saved the fries for last, as they were delicious when dipped in the juice and leftover sauce from the hamburger.
The Verdict: A worthy competitor in the race for your lunch-attention, you’d do well to visit Daruma-Ya during your work day. I’ll have to go back soon and see if the soba stacks up to the beef.
Daruma-Ya is located at 428 Greenwich Street in Manhattan, New York.