I truly believe the hamburger is the perfect meal. Burger meals I’ve had that were perfectly executed have made me as satisfied as I’ve ever been. But with perfection comes the heightened likelihood for disappointment. An overcooked patty, a dry bun, and weak toppings are just a few of the thing that a heavenly eating experience can be tainted. Fortunately for the burger eating public, the enterprising team behind the Burger Lift has eliminated one such burger-ruiner.
The Burger Lift is a stainless steel, dishwasher safe platform on which to rest your burger so that the excess juice from a well-made patty drip onto the plate and don’t get absorbed into the bottom half of your bun. I had the opportunity to meet some of the Burger Lift team and test drive the product. I suggested we go to the Smith, because my last outing there ended with a satisfied belly and taste buds, but ridiculously messy hands. The results this time around were quite different.
As you can see, the Burger Lift worked exact as it was meant to! Though my plate was covered in burger juice, my bun didn’t absorb this excess moisture and remained in tact. This was a far cry from the wreckage left after my last meal at the Smith. I was able to enjoy my delicious deluxe burger with peace and clean hands.
You can help bring Burger Lift to restaurants by supporting them on Kickstarter. This campaign has Burger Weekly’s official stamp of approval. It ends on April 14th, so show them some love as soon as you can.