J.G. Melon

Left Wanting Burgers Ordered: Brad – Bacon Cheeseburger; Matt – Cheeseburger; Simon – Hamburger The Experience: Brad and Simon, a new guest Burgermeister who gained his spot on the guest Burgermeister roster by engaging in a burger eating contest with Brad a year before Burger Weekly began, waited outside of J.G. Melon on Matt for…

P.J. Clarke’s

Cooked to Perfection Burgers Ordered: Brad, Matt & Michael: The Cadillac. The Experience: Traffic in New York City comes to a grinding halt whenever there’s an immediate change in the weather. On the night of the Burgermeisters’ excursion to P.J. Clarke’s, it was slightly colder than usual, with a little rain and a few gusts…

Donovan’s Pub

Back to Basics Burgers Ordered: Brad & Julian – Cheeseburger; Matt – Bacon Cheeseburger. The Experience: Since the formation of Burger Weekly, the Burgermeisters have been searching out the best hamburger joints in NYC. With much enthusiasm a lot of their friends, coworkers and passersby on the street have thrown suggestions their way. They’ve also…