

I wandered the streets on Saturday, looking for a restaurant at which to eat my 400th burger in New York City. To say I came across Covina accidentally would be an understatement. My feet hurt after miles of walking and my dining companion was feeling the same. As we complained, we noticed we were standing…


Shay & Ivy

I really love the fries at Atwood. I really love the Brussels sprouts at Atwood. I really love the burger at Atwood. So when the Atwood team opened Shay & Ivy, I was there in a heartbeat. This place couldn’t be more different than Atwood. The decor has a much more feminine bent to it,…



Warren G. Harding is considered by many to be one of the worst presidents this country has ever had, so it struck me as odd that a bar would name themselves for the man. A cursory search of the restaurant’s website shows no mention of the first president whose entire term in office was served during…